Free Your Mind, And Your Legs Will Follow

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Gravel Metric

Iron, The Bald Eagle, Myself

125 riders

My view for about an hour during the storm of the century

I am naked in this photo....and covered in sand and grit

Fattys after party

Went to the NCC/HAC gravel metric this weekend. Huge turnout...rode 10 miles before hand to loosen the legs up a bit. The ride started pretty easy as we rolled out of town. I rode next to Jason B from Salsa and talked about our upcoming DK200 race, bike set up, etc. Mr. Brian Conant then approached me and we rode together for a while too. I haven't talked to Brian in a while so it was good catching up on stuff. The race began and Brian and I moved to the front group with about 10 others. The humidity and fog were thick and the pace shot up to 25-30 mph. We made a large gap on the main group and kept hammering. I was drinking water faster than I should've because of the humidity, but the legs were feeling strong. The skies unleashed on us and we were soaking wet. Brian got a flat tire and the lead 8-10 kept rolling. We hit checkpoint 2 and were forced down a B-road full of mud, unrideable....Was this Trans Iowa or what??? The legs got very tight through this section...the lead two guys were riding in this and I knew their legs were suffering. I walked and carried my bike while trying to run. We made it past this section and there were about 7 guys ahead of then a large gap to whoever else. I closed the gap and we hit another mud section. I was running now and in about 4th or 5th place. We were 37 miles in. No one could see the lead 2 guys and a dude from half acre took a wrong turn and so did everyone this point it was POURING rain. We were soaked, cold, and just wanted to get back as we had about 40 miles and were now off course. We headed back to the source of our wrong turn and I kept going straight just to get home while everyone else got back on course. Now the storm really kicked in and it was a downpour, lightening everywhere, hail, 40-50 mph winds. I found the closest house I could and hopped on their porch, I was not going to be out in this weather. My good friend Rich picked me up and I showered, called it a day, and had a beer. I think a lot of people were not expecting so much dirt, mud, and un-rideable roads and the roads were not clearly marked. Rich and I saw a lot of riders off course on the way home and many people ended their rides short because of the storm. Either way it was an experience. My legs are still sore from the ride/race/whatever it was and I am spinning all week to loosen them for the big Dirty Kanza on Saturday with Ari and Mark B. Get out and ride!

- JB

1 comment:

  1. Again, a full advantage of Mark B's smart phone that let us know where we were and when the next front was coming. It sucks that so many street signs are missing.
