Free Your Mind, And Your Legs Will Follow

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Chasing Ice

If you get a chance, Netflix the movie called Chasing Ice. A great photographic look at how climate change is melting our glaciers. Above is the largest calving (breaking of chunks of ice off the end of a glacier) ever filmed. The time lapse and scale at the end of this youtube clip is amazing. This is as big as Manhattan! Wow....

We need to make smarter choices about how we live and change the way we live.

We are killing this beautiful planet that we live on.

Please share this.

- JB


  1. Wholly crap this really makes you think about what we're contributing to. Why can't more people at least just try to make a difference? Thanks for sharing Jay, will pass it on.

  2. Thanks Mark, we should ride soon!
