Free Your Mind, And Your Legs Will Follow

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Cruisin to the ride with a beard 6 a.m.


The group meeting up


Wheel Fast domination

Group of 25 or 30 of us stayed together

Nasty salt stained back

With the alcohol in my blood keeping me warm from the night before, I left my house at 6 a.m. Rode out to the start and met some friends and co-workers. We departed at 7 a.m. and kept a steady pace out to Auburn where the first rest stop was. From there we did 3 loops and rode back into town for 100 miles. The wind was from the west and every loop took us west at some point. We cruised over 30 mph at some points and sprinted others. The overall average was 20 mph for 100 miles and 5 hour ride time. I rode home at this point and ended with 120 miles for the day. Good to meet some new people and ride with others I haven't spent some time in the saddle with in a while. Good ride, thanks to everyone who helped put it on (including my boss Matt who worked his ass off). For most this will be the last long ride of the season....for me, its just the beginning....longer rides still to come with the cool weather!

- JB


  1. that's my boy! Now with the cooler weather the really ridin' is going to start. Hope to hook up with you soon. got some catching up to do.
    best to you my friend,
    been riding the shocker
    bought alfine 8spd crosscheck from eric sovern
    bought beef gravy brown crosscheck frame to transfer parts from the misty gray.
    more to come

  2. Hell yea! Hope to hook up with you soon Ari...the shocker cracks me up, glad someone finally put that frame to use, awesome about the crosscheck from Eric, I saw that new baby blue color they are doing, its awesome! But, beef lips gravy sounds good too! See you soon hombre
