In order for BMC to send me a new frame they needed to see proof of destruction on the old cracked I sawed the down tube and sent them a picture. Seems a bit ridiculous that you have to destroy your bike before you can get a new one...but hopefully everything works out. This was extremely hard to put a saw to this bike because I have had so many wonderful memories on it and it fit me like no bike has ever fit before...I loved this bike. BMC is sending me a 2009 sl01 to replace the cracked 2007. This should be a brand new frame with new seatpost and new fork...the color will be black with neon green, I am very excited, also adding some Campy record into the mix to replace some chorus that I am currently riding. Pictures to soon as the bike does. Peace.
- JB
Found this blog while looking for info on BMC's warranty. I noticed the carbon seat stay on my 2006 BMC SL01 frame is cracked while wiping down the frame this morning. Hopefully they will make it right. I can't find any info on their warranty. Seeing you getting a replacement gives me hope.
ReplyDeleteDid they request that you cut up the frame before sending it in? Is that what the dealer had to do?
I found out that they have a 3 year warranty on their frames. They did everything online, I had to send them pictures of the crack and the serial number with the original receipt, they required a photo with proof of me destroying the bike before they sent it out to me...Take it back to your BMC dealer if you can and they will take care of you, best of luck